Marion Mohnhaupt

Marion Mohnhaupt lives in northern Germany. She works as an Integrative Learning Therapist with a focus on learning numbers, arithmetic, and math. She offers consultations with regards to math learning and Dyscalculia as well as math learning interventions. She is also the author of “Tina’s Aha Moments! Math can be learned. Just let your brain go for it."

Her passion is to encourage children, parents, and teachers to adopt a modern, positive, and more helpful way of thinking about math and to practice real mathematical thinking. She has been inspired by numerous scientists in the field of mindset, neurology, learning, and is incredibly grateful for their insights into learning pathways. As a mother of school children and a learning therapist, Marion sees that in many cases math problems could be avoided and that math learning could be more successful with a more joyful and engaging approach.