Credits and Thank You’s

Early Family Math is an organization of unpaid volunteers. There are a great many people who have generously given their time and other resources to EFM. It is often difficult to put that recognition in the middle of our materials, and yet these heroes should not go unsung. If anyone has been inadvertently left out, please let us know. So, here is our thank you for all that they have done for EFM.


Chinese - Elita Yang, Quanpeng Yang, Coco Li, Ellen Hsuan, Chloe Zhou, Sophia Homb

French - Gill NK, Vasilica Le Floch and his colleagues and students, Miriam Alonge Wato

Japanese - Chisa, Annie, Ue, Jo Martin

Korean - Sue H Kim, Jiwoo Lee,

Spanish - Gaby Jones, Maria Angarita, Viviana Victoriano, Liam Tello, Camilla Rodgriguez, Vanessa Aguilera, Diana De La Rosa, Ingrid Padilla Espinosa

Danish - Marianne Jahn, Lars Somme

Dutch - Wendy Van Gastel

German - Marion Mohnhaupt

Illustrators - Due to our, at times frustrating, search for a set of EFM characters, quite a few illustrators came and left without having their work get used the way they created it. We want to thank them, along with all the other illustrators, and recognize them for their work.

Lisa Van Dyke, Aleksandra Nikulina (two children in a balloon in the clouds), Kienn Thuy TIen Nguyen (EFM characters), Chen Liu (Counting Stars, Magical House), Patricia Dishmon, Tinlam Chan (adult and child playing board game), Sophie Hang, Stacy Vejar Morales,

Graphic Designers

Anonymous (Chris Wright’s daughter) (web page ideas, activity page layout, consultant in a pinch), James Dixon (paid) (new activity page layout, EFM color palette)

Social Media

Wendy Van Gastel

Storybooks – The original EFM storybooks come from the following sources. These sources, wanting to promote literacy, were generous enough to use Creative Commons licenses that allow EFM to edit and republish them. We are extremely grateful to them for helping to make our annotated storybooks possible.

African Storybook, Saide, Seed Books, African Reading Matters, READ, book dash, Nal’ibali and Praesa, Read India, and Pratham Books.

Former librarian Natalie Bernstein was very helpful reviewing story selections, reviewing annotations, and writing some of the annotations.

Game and Puzzle Sources

As you may know, games and puzzles cannot be copyrighted. Their title, art work, and text can be copyrighted, but not the rules and general framework. Many of these activities have been copied, perhaps with small variations, from author to author, to the point where it is very difficult to track who to thank for the original idea. Mostly we have given up on this. However, if some author out there feels they deserve credit for an idea, we are happy to do so - please just let us know.