Join Us


If you are a person who is passionate about early math education and sees promise in the work that Early Family Math is doing, we would love to collaborate with you. This program is very much a work in progress, and we welcome new people, ideas and directions. Here is a list of possible activities:

  • Translate to other languages, especially Spanish

  • Create / modify / remove lessons and improve their writing and presentation - use InDesign for making better PDFs and add instructional videos

  • Improve and add content to this website, our web presence, smart phones, and newsletter

  • Delivery options for lessons - on site (individually, page, chapter); a printed book?

  • Create social component - this is essential for widespread use and success

  • Extend and improve Interactive Storybook program

  • Make connections to other organizations


Make Your Own Version

If you like these activities, games, and puzzles, and you would like to use them for your own purposes, we want to support you. We want to do anything we can to improve early math education. All of the Early Family Math material is published with a Creative Commons License that gives free rights to modify, copy and republish for non-commercial use. If you would like a copy of the source text and illustration files to help you make your own version, we will gladly do that.